ACTIVE DUTY/SPOUSE/DEPENDENTS with valid military ID have access.
RETIRED MILITARY/DEPENDENTS with valid retired military ID have access.
RESERVIST only on orders. RESERVIST and RETIRED RESERVIST for leisure will not have access to the base.
DAV does not have access to the base even with a military ID.
DOD orders/leisure is authorized to use lodging on base. Per Base Security, if DOD personnel bringing dependents, everyone must be on the orders and show Dependent ID and passport.
DOD RETIRED do not have access to the base.
DOD CONTRACTORS are allowed to work on base with ODC clearances but do not have access to lodging.
Due to the SOFA agreement between the United States and Spain, third national visitors (that is, not Spanish or American) are not allowed base access. Third nationals can have access for work purposes providing civil liability insurance.